Featured - Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Web Design & Development, Website

Innovative Future Academy

Project Description

The Innovative Future Academy offers different types of study materials, video courses, and online courses for various subjects, online test suites and practice sets to expand your knowledge of HP Allied Services Coaching in Chandigarh. They have experienced and competent teachers teaching our students. This institute offers regular and weekend courses to our students.

How We Helped Them

They wanted a custom website design. With the help of the Creative Director of the Innovation Future Academy and with us group Kingdoms as a development partner; we have created a new mobile-friendly Word Press website.

Provided Services

  • Website Development
  • Website Hosting
  • Word Press Websites
  • Logo Design

Client: Salider Tamak, Mayank, Ankur (Innovative Future Academy)

We delivered:

  • A strategy to grow business online.
  • A unique website with great user experience design.
  • A custom content management system to maintain the website flawlessly.
Launch Project